Joseph Blakeman

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I was born and raised in England, UK and had an interest in art for as long as I can remember. I took an interest in tattoos/tattooing early into my teen years and started to learn as much about eveything tattoo related as I could before eventually landing an apprenticeship at 18 years old.

After experimenting with many different styles in my early years, I finally found black and grey, calligraphy style patterns and words bought out the best in my skills,  and I have focused on this for the past 4 years now.

I'm very excited to have my place at the Amsterdam tattoo convention this year, working along side world class artists and making new friends!

General info

Joseph Blakeman - New Identity Tattoo Studio Shirley
Name:Joseph Blakeman


  1. Black & Grey
  2. Lettering
  3. Trash Polka


Stand number
