Peter van der Helm

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Walls and Skin is the only shop in the world where you can preserve your tattoo after death.

Walls and Skin is a tattoo and a graffiti supplies shop situated on the Kalkmarkt 1 near Central Station in Amsterdam. The creators of the tattoopreservation process. The tattooshop is run by a couple of friends. Walls and Skin has an exceptional crew with a variety of talent. Most of us have a graffiti background and a history in the arts of the world. 

Tattoopreservation service

They say tattoos last a lifetime and then some, now your tattoo can really be forever with our service to preserve your tattoo.

We work together with a team of medical professionals that will turn your tattoo into a piece of artwork that will last forever.

Preserving your skin can be done for many reasons. Preserving the artwork, the story, the emotional value or preserving tattoos for your next-of-kin. We recognize the value of preserving tattooed skin for the art and history as also for the last wishes of the donors. In order to handle your tattoos in the most respectful way we founded The foundation for the art and science of tattooing and it is active since june 2014.

The foundation hopes to collect various pieces of tattooed work. With preserving the tattooed skin we will also preserve the story’s behind the tattoos. The donors can decide what they want with their tattoo and how they would like it to be preserved. The contact we have with the donors is very important to us, so that we can understand correctly what the last wishes are. If that’s clear, we will do our best to make these wishes possible.

Not everyone is known with our service. Therefore we are open to answer all kinds of questions and participate on our discussion board on the website. Any creative ideas and suggestions are always welcome so that we can improve our service where needed.

General info

Peter van der Helm - Walls and Skin
Name:Peter van der Helm
